Meet David Nault, Maintenance Tech 2

Name: David Nault
Department: Maintenance/Environmental Services
When did you start at Givens Gerber Park: March 15th, 2018.

What attracted you to working at Givens Gerber Park?
Working with my hands. Fixing things everyday and keeping residents comfortable and safe in their homes.

What are a few of your primary responsibilities?
Ensuring that the Givens Gerber Park Grounds and Maintenance team have all of the necessary resources needed to complete our daily routines. I also oversee all outside contractor work on the campus and manage major repairs and remediation’s.

What do you like about coming to Givens Gerber Park every day?
Happy Residents. Watching someone age in a safe and clean environment is all that I can hope for everyone and being able to help keep things clean and safe is what keeps me coming back.

How is your job rewarding?
The moments of measurable success when a resident has a successful residency at Givens Gerber Park. Changing the perception of Givens Gerber Park from just an apartment complex to home and a wonderful place to live.

How do you and your team try to make a difference for residents?
My team and I work hard to give new residents a clean and safe home to live in, to keep resident homes safe and everything working well, and to treat everyone with respect along the way.