Partners at Gerber Park: Introducing our Mental Health Practitioners

Please give a warm Givens Gerber Park welcome to the latest addition of our clinic providers, Dr. Katherine Hyde-Hensley, PsyD. Dr. Hyde-Hensley is a licensed clinical mental health counselor and has an extensive background in evidence-based practices, cognitive behavioral therapy, women’s health, hospice, and bereavement. Dr. Hyde-Hensley will offer individual and family counseling twice a month on Fridays beginning in June in our clinic at Givens Gerber Park. Directly from her website she highlights her experience and specialties, “I have over 20 years of birth, death, and parenting experience, which enhances our ability to find the best solution to your transitional dilemma. Together, we can sift through evidence-based interventions and clinical recommendations to find the best path for your family. As a professional therapist, I use theory, interventions, and listening skills to help you guide yourself in your personal and value-driven direction.” We’re so excited to welcome her services to Givens Gerber Park.

Michael Faulkner, LCSW, who is licensed in NC and FL and has been in the profession for 40+ years practicing across the continuum of behavioral health care. For the past 15 years, Michael has been with Givens Communities and private practice in Asheville specializing in elder care, adjustment to physical disability, and grief/loss counseling. He utilizes best practice standards in treatment unique to the participant and their situation. “I am nonjudgmental, kind, careful, ‘down to earth’ and skilled in helping change the way the participant thinks, feels, and behaves while respecting their confidentiality. I am a miner for the participants’ mettle,” Michael said of himself reflecting on his approach.

As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we couldn’t be prouder to welcome a new provider to the clinic and highlight their accomplishments and services. Both Dr. Hyde-Hensley and Michael Faulkner are incredible resources for our residents. Interested clients should reach out directly. Residents have access to their contact information posted throughout the community and could reach out to their Service Coordinator for more information.

By 2030, one in six people will be age 60 years or older and according to the World Health Organization, “At older ages, mental health is shaped not only by physical and social environments but also by the cumulative impacts of earlier life experiences and specific stressors related to ageing. Exposure to adversity, significant loss in intrinsic capacity and a decline in functional ability can all result in psychological distress.”

We could all benefit from mental health counseling and wellness, and it is never too late to practice and reframe our mindset around mental health. As we age, it is imperative to take care of our mental and emotional states so we can continue to find a sense of purpose, combat ageism, and improve our quality of life.