The Sounds of an August Summer Night

“You only have to listen to a summer night in August when the sounds of night creatures are so deafening, you have to close your bedroom window to sleep. What is this night chorus? It is mostly unseen — but sometimes when you take an evening’s walk, you catch a glimpse of the tiny tree frog calling or answering to mark their territory or to find a mate. They are usually joined by a whole chorus.

There’s the North Carolina Barred Owl who hoots what sounds like “Who Cooks for You” that adds to the cacophony. Other night birds such as the Common Night Hawk and the Whip-poor-will join in with their own musical renditions. Then there are our ever faithful chirping crickets who are also calling out to each other while the fire flies provide the light show.

When we hear these familiar night sounds, we realize that the summer is drawing near to its “last hurrah.” Soon we will no longer walk through a garden on a long summer’s night. The days will become shorter and the evenings will be cool and more silent. The earth will start sending out signals to “finish the job” and prepare for the next season. If you have a free evening in the next few weeks, take a walk outside or just open your windows to nature’s musical offering. I guarantee you will enjoy the sound of creatures singing the night songs they have sung for ages.”

This offering is an excerpt from our newsletter distributed bi-weekly to residents. As we greet August, we hope residents and our community can enjoy the last stretch of summer. A long walk during or after the sun sets is a beautiful way to unwind, practice gratitude, and be still. We hope you can share these intentions far and wide and get a chance to appreciate the night songs of August around our community by visiting the garden, walking through the courtyard, or sitting on the patio.