‘Tis the Season…to be Busy!

Whether you find this time of the year filled with joy or feel anxious about all the hustle and bustle, we can all admit it is the busiest.

There are 31 days in December and for most of us, that just isn’t enough time to get everything we need done. Between seasonal shopping, baking, mailing, etc. the days are filled with activity. For some, this is what is great about the month, but for others it can be really stressful.  We are so busy buying, wrapping, etc. that we are not really savoring the message of peace, love and fellowship that is the true meaning of the holiday season.

This year, maybe even more than in past years, we can find new ways to celebrate the season by making our activities a joy instead of a chore. We can take the time to think about those who are truly alone. Giving your time is always more precious than material objects and it costs nothing!  A lunch date with a friend that you haven’t been able to see can be a gift. Or that long call to a relative that you have put off over the months. Connecting with friends or relatives is a worthwhile holiday activity and allows us to savor holiday memories.

There are so many people who do not have enough food or shelter that are dependent on the charity of others. It will make you feel warm inside to help someone less fortunate have a good holiday. Attending religious services can make you feel connected to a higher source and give you a sense of belonging. All these things may be what is important during this season and allow you to slow down and savor the moment.

Finally, let’s send the universe a message of peace this year. Prayers or thoughts and intentions are a powerful source. It may be all we can do, but it is worth trying.