What’s New at
Givens Gerber Park

Clinchfield Mill Finds Renewed Purpose Assisting Storm Recovery

Resilient Recovery NC was created by Jim and Rebekah Artman, of Lake James community, specifically to provide local disaster support following Hurricane Helene, the September storm that claimed 104 lives and caused widespread destruction in Western North Carolina. The all-volunteer group is making an impact in the community through aid distribution, road and bridge repair, …

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Direct of LifeMinistries to retire from Givens Affordable Communities

Cheryl Wallen, Director of LifeMinistries, has announced that she will be retiring at the end of April 2025. Cheryl became the Director of Givens LifeMinistries in 2006, stepping in when the founder of this outreach ministry moved away. Cheryl took this position because she felt she was being called to build on her passion for …

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Go To Cafe’s Feature Flavor of the Month: Northern India

Featured Salad: Central India- Chaat Salad- Colorful and vibrant vegetables & citrus. Featured Soup: Indian Fusion- Pumpkin Curry Soup Featured Meals: Northern India- Tikka Masala is a dish consisting of marinated boneless grilled meats that are then served in a subtly spiced tomato-cream sauce. Northern India-Saag Paneer-A leafy vegetable dish eaten with rice. Saag can …

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Resilience Highlights Storm Recovery

Residents and team members of Givens Gerber Park met the challenges created by Hurricane Helene with resourcefulness, ingenuity and determination. This Discovery Newsletter Special Edition provides a glimpse into how Givens Communities demonstrated our core values to cope during times of adversity.  

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Resident Reflections: A Letter Post Hurricane Helene

“As I sit here today, a month after the devastating storm here in Asheville, N.C. and surrounding area, I am so very grateful to Givens Gerber Park, which is home to me. We, who live here, were so respected and taken care of. The management is outstanding (which I knew already) but in the midst …

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Go To Cafe’s Feature Flavor of the Month: Italian

Italian cuisine includes deeply rooted traditions common to the whole country, as well as all the regional gastronomies that are different from each other and are in continuous exchange. Italian cuisine offers an abundance of taste, and is one of the most popular and copied around the world. The cuisine has influenced several other cuisines …

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Givens Communities CEO Response to Hurricane Helene

Dear Friends, I hope this message finds you well. I truly appreciate the outpouring of well wishes and the many offers to help. Hurricane Helene has caused widespread devastation, displacing families, damaging homes, and disrupting essential services. Thankfully, we at Givens Communities are holding up, though we face weeks without water, and have seen significant …

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A Time of Hope, A Time of Need

Dear Friends, I hope this message finds you well. I truly appreciate the outpouring of well wishes and the many offers to help. Hurricane Helene has caused widespread devastation, displacing families, damaging homes, and disrupting essential services. Thankfully, we at Givens Communities are holding up, though we face weeks without water, and have seen significant …

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National Self-Care Awareness Month

Aah, finally a good reason to indulge ourselves! Self-care means many things to many people. It can mean finally making that hair appointment, pedicure, facial, massage, etc. Or it can also mean making the decision to sit down and think about what we need in our lives that can enhance our existence. Whether it be …

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Go To Cafe’s Feature Flavor of the Month: Around Asia

Asia, as the largest and most populous continent, is home to many cultures, each with its own characteristic cuisine. Asian cuisine is considered the “culture of food within a society” due to the beliefs, cooking methods, and the specific ingredients used throughout the continent of Asia. We are excited to feature these Asian dishes in …

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